We4Ce, the Rotor Blade Designer

Blade Root Repair Solution

The Challenge
As wind turbines age, there are windfarm owners are struggling with the problem of loose bushings. With loosening bushings of the blade root connection, the further operation of that specific wind turbine is in danger.

A wind turbine stand still is a costly affair thus either a repair is needed or a complete replacement by new blade(s).

Up until now, the  wind turbine blade is transported for repair or needs to be replaced by a new rotor blade. Both are costly options. We4Ce recognized this problem and started in 2021 to develop a dedicated repair solution. See News. 

The Solution
We4Ce has partnered with CNC Onsite in Denmark, an experienced company in milling solutions on site,  in the development of a validated  blade root repair solution.

With our Blade Root Repair Solution we use CNC Onsite’s mobile precision machine that drills out the damaged bushings, followed by the placement of the We4Ce Re-FIT bushing in combination with a specific processing.   

The FIT or Front Infusion Technology is a new We4Ce production technology for the blade root. It is filed at the Dutch patent offices under PCT/NL2021/050661.

Conducted onsite in the wind park, the repair service meets the need from wind turbine / windfarm owners for cost efficient repairs, and for a validated and controlled repair process which keep CO2 emissions at a minimum and is environmental friendly.

What was the cause of wind turbine blade root bushings damage?
Every project starts to perform the exact Root Cause Analysis (including ultrasonic scanning and minimum strength testing) so that the Repair Solution will be tailor made. 

For certification We4Ce works together with ULDewi  as the Certification Body.

The Re-FIT technology is very suitable as a repair method for failed blade root bushings. With this technique a life time extension of the blade root bushings is achieved. 



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